Officer's Choice Rare
A whisky to avoid at all costs, apart from those daring enough to add this whisky to their rolodex. Officer’s Choice Rare wouldn’t even be a whisky in most countries, however by Indian standards, this is. I am unfamiliar with Indian legislation on what makes a whisky a “whisky” but they must have some loose standards…
Officer’s Choice Rare
ABV: 42.8% // 85.6 proof
Age: NAS
Color: Yellow Artificial Food Coloring
Chill filtered, Artificial Coloring Added
Nose: Thin. New make. Septic, synthetic. No body or depth. Papery, like a new case of paper going into the printer. Alcohol. Sweetness in the form of glue.
Palate: No depth or body. Artificially slightly sweet, tastes like paint thinner smells.
Finish: Grain neutral spirit. Like if you mixed vodka and sugar.
Bourbon and House Rating: 60
Avoid, unless you want to say you’ve tried the #1 selling whisky in the world.