Bourbon and House Ratings
Below is the rating system I created to rate the whiskeys I review here and it should feel familiar to most. As opposed to the 1 - 5 often seen, or the 5 star rating system, I felt that 1 - 100 gives proper flexibility, room for more analysis and a proper point of reference, while helping differentiate one whiskey from another in the classic structure.
97 - 100 - Tears of the Angels. Some of the best juice i’ve ever tasted.
92 - 96 - Excellent. Of very high quality,
88 - 91 - Very good, great quality stuff.
80 - 87 - Solid. Good every day pour.
70 - 79 - OK. No regrets, but wouldn't buy a second bottle.
60 - 69 - Bad, maybe use to disinfect a laceration.
0 < 59 - I wouldn't offer this to a homeless person, out of fear of insulting them.